How do I instantly buy cryptocurrency in Nigeria?
Dec 8, 2021


With Pandar, you can buy cryptocurrency from your sitting room without having a fear of delayed transactions and multiple charges!

Note: Instant Buy is available to all Pandar customers in Nigeria and Ghana.

What is Instant Buy?

With Instant Buy, you can purchase a set amount of cryptocurrency or specify your own amount — and receive the coin on your wallet instantly.

Here’s how:

  1. From the home screen, select ‘Buy Crypto’
  2. Select the wallet where you’d like to buy cryptocurrency instantly,
  3. Enter the crypto amount you intend to buy
  4. You’ll see a confirmation screen. If you’re happy, click on ‘Confirm.’🌚
  5. Enter your Pandar pin to authorize the transaction

Success! You’ve just instantly bought cryptocurrency!

See for yourself: Get Pandar.😎



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Pandar is a digital wallet for digital payments, cash transfer and crypto. Receive, Spend and Store money and Crypto. Pay Bills and more

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